Gobble Gobble: A Healthy Holiday Survival Guide

How is it already almost Thanksgiving?! What a whirlwind these last few months have been.

Being in South Carolina, you really can’t tell that we’re in the holiday season (as I’m writing this, I’m sitting outside in 78’ degrees, wearing shorts…)

I personally love Thanksgiving, but I know the holidays can be a tough time for people. 

The holiday season can be filled with travel, family, parties, gatherings, and lots of yummy foods & seasonal drinks. While this may sound GREAT, I know this can be stressful and may make you forget allllll the healthy habits you’ve built this year. 

SO, for this week of Thanksgiving and beyond, no matter your plans, here’s the 3 things I’d really focus on to enjoy your life while still prioritizing your health:

  1. Try to STAY ACTIVE! (even if that looks a lil different than usual)

Keep moving with regular walks - especially after those big meals, and try to take advantage of the days you DO have access to a gym. Maybe even go for a run! (especially if you need some alone time…) 

If you’re in Supple Strength, the home version of workouts will come in CLUTCH this week. Plus, the core and conditioning workouts typically don’t require much equipment, so those are a great way to get in a good sweat, even if you’re staying somewhere without a gym.

2. Be okay if you don’t hit the gym as much or as hard as you normally do.

It can be easy to let the holidays completely stress you out or wreck your gym and self care routine. It’s also really easy to beat yourself up about it.

Can’t workout 4 days, but you can workout 2? GREAT! Pick one upper body day and one lower body day. BOOM.

You may not have as much energy or push in the gym. You may not be motivated at all. You may just wanna sit around and be a slug… 

Maybe this is a great time to deload! 

In Supple Strength right now, we’re about to test our maxes for compound lifts, so we’re using the week of Thanksgiving to our advantage as a deload week, to prime and fuel ourselves for test week.


Enjoy the food. Drink the wine. Again, it’s one day, and it won’t wreck your progress. Enjoy this time with your family. Take a freaking nap. Take the day off. Remember that we are human BEINGS – not human DOINGS 😉

Letting yourself rest and enjoy the foods you love will set you up for so much more success (and #mentalhealth) rather than restricting yourself from food and forcing yourself to crush yourself everyday in the gym. 

Personally, here’s how I’M approaching Thanksgiving week:

  1. Eat the hell out of some thanksgiving foods. You heard me.

  2. Make sure I stay a little active with lots of walks and a couple of workouts, if I can.

  3. Give myself grace, enjoy time with family, cuddle my dogs, and let myself rest so I can be ready to smash some PRs next week using that food I ate as FUEL!

Remember: Thanksgiving is just one day. Even if you’re traveling, one week ISN’T going to completely throw you off. Just start back, right where you left off when you get back. 

I’m rooting for you!

PS. If you’re looking for a supportive community to help you stay accountable and on track with your health routine, WHILE allowing yourself to enjoy life and the friends/family/foods you love - we’d love to have you in Supple Strength!


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